Trying to Succeed while Being Judged ?

        Growing up I would say I didn’t care much what people had to say negatively about me. I was picked on in elementary school and I wasn’t happy about it so I think I learned to block it out. My mom taught me to think for myself and a simple trip they got people to stop because they didn’t know how to get to me anymore. She told me when he will pick on you and try to tell you ugly thing, no matter what give them a big smile and tell them “Thank you!” You know “Kill them with kindness.”


        That stuck with me my whole life and I still do it to this day. I teach my girls the same thing because I know people can be nasty and they need the metaphorical armor and bullets. I wish I could take a pic picture of some people faces when I say thank you after a rude unsolicited comment. They are the epitome of dumbfounded, and they don’t know what to do, say or how to take me. I love it, I’ve had people so confused they have asked me if I knew they were trying to insult me. I can’t stress enough how we should all use this method. You will deflect a lot of incoming negativity and it will get the bully off your back. They don’t like it when they find out they can’t get to you, it’s no fun for them anymore.

       Of course, this change for me a bit when I became a teenager. I really didn’t care what others thought of me, I did what I want and had my own style. this didn’t change no matter what was in at that time. People would ask me how I could be so confident and how do I not care about what people think of me. It took many experiences for me to gain this confidence, but what people think of me doesn’t physically affect me so why would I care. Although I also realized that we judge others on things that we are off and insecure about, so we think we are being judged as well. Truth be told other people aren’t usually paying that much attention because they are too focused on their own insecurities.
all judgement

        Becoming an adult that has all shifted a bit. I’ve realized that even though I’m fairly strong about who I am, I still do care about how people perceive me. Let me clarify this some more. When it comes to business situations I know to handle myself professionally so I can be taken seriously. Also, I don’t fall apart over how everyone sees me only certain people that are close to me, whose opinion I value. The people that have my best interest at heart. Everyone doesn’t have my best interest at heart so their opinion holds no wait for me. If you can realize this people’s opinion of you won’t phase you.

        I’ve always been that person in my friends say I could never do that. I get it sometimes I can be a bit much at you cause myself. But I try to remind them Life’s too short so make sure you live it and don’t hold yourself back. I remember when I became a mom there were certain things I was so conscious about to myself. Not because I was told I shouldn’t or can’t, just some that I perceived I shouldn’t ( made up in my head from my own insecurities). I stress to my friends if you want something in your not hurting me one do what you want no matter what people think or say.

        In the last few years are also come to find out when people is don’t think they can do something they will try and step on your dreams. Some even try to sabotage you because they don’t want to see you succeed. I come of my own self-doubts and I prefer if no one else tries to add to them. I was always worried about talking to others about new things I was attempting and fear of a negative response. So I wouldn’t tell anyone, I would Journal about it and go from there.

do something great

       Most people tend to do this from fear of not completing exhaust only to resemble off that but others. Sometimes I’ve done this but typically I follow through with what I say I will. However, being in my own head started to set In and I wanted to bounce ideas and such off of someone. So I realized I could talk to you, those who I could build with and wanted to see me grow. People that would allow me to express my concerns and help encourage me. They allow me to grow in peace. If you like this Austin Maybe it’s not going to work for you also.

Do you ever feel judged negative? What helps you push through?


This post was proofread by Grammarly

