Do you have a niche? Do you need One?

I started my YouTube channel again (now ShanaJRay) because people kept asking me to explain certain aspects of my life that they like and wanted to know more about it. Years prior I had a natural hair channel and became burnt out. However, even though I was still passionate about it I became bored with it only talking about hair. When I restarted the new channel I told myself it could be a little of everything so I would enjoy it this time around.

Since learning about social media and content creation you are constantly bombarded with figuring out your niche. I hated that idea and I fought it for a long time, frustrated by the word alone. Then, I started seeing others explain how they didn’t let a choosing a niche hold them back. They started with what they were interested in at the time, some even found their select niche later and flourished. Equally, I have watched others succeed in the “niche-less“ realm.

For some time, I let those contradicting ideas work on my mind making me more stressed out, I wasn’t sure what I wanted and it was starting to lose its luster for me. Yet I kept on with making videos and pursuing what I wanted with Youtube, just telling myself I’ll figure it out later… one day. After a while, the thought of pushing to figure out my niche faded in my mind and I enjoyed consuming and creating content on YouTube. One day, I thought about the content I like to consume which was a mix of business, beauty, Law of Attraction, self-development, and child-rearing. Kind of all over the place, right?? That may have been my problem.

Learning so much varied information through video, podcasts, and books I realized I didn’t have many people that were in the same category as myself that I could really look up to and learn from. Mothers, of color that were building businesses and on a path of self-development. Even worse ( to me ) I had no one close to exchange and share with about most of these things. My family and friends were tired of me going on about what I’ve learned in this book, the many facets of manifestation and my favorite podcasts. In search of more relatable and reachable people, I started to join various Facebook groups.

Soon, I came to the conclusion that I am My Own Niche. I can attract others in my same position with the platforms at my fingertips. I love soaking up knowledge through various mediums and sharing with others as well as learning with them. So I’ve decided to make this blog just another area where I’m able to put out my thoughts in long form, and others may want to learn similar information from me can enjoy.

Do you have a niche? What Niche have you chosen?

